Continue TradeIN-TradeUP, the promo-scraping of Evolis, with the same rules as ever (READ HERE): If you buy a new Evolis printer and make a card printer (obsolete or not working), you get a discount by saving up to €450 in the purchase thanks to the proposed incentives!
This year the offer also expands with the introduction in the promotion of the Evolis Agilia printer!
Agilia, the new card retransfer printer with print quality at 600 dpi beyond the edge, the ability to print on many types of cards (PVC, PVC composites, PET, ABS, PC) and lifetime warranty on the printhead, thanks to its robustness and reliability!
An extraordinary, high-end product, with which Evolis intends to challenge the competition's card retransfer printers and further increase its share in this market sector.